
Spoken Word Poet / Facilitator / Artist Mentor / Copy Editor

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Raw Honey

Spoken word poetry that is…

A teaspoon of brutal truth

fresh from the comb,

bold and thick with sweet.



I’m delighted you’re here.



“I am…” poem

May you be inspired to identify and celebrate what makes you unique.




Spoken Word Poet

Custom spoken word poems

Performances for weddings, birthdays, concerts, conferences, etc.

Poetry & creativity workshops


Nurturing Creatives” workshop

“Using Creativity to Heal Trauma”

Race & Culture- Awareness, Biases, Blindspots, Empathy, Power, Exclusion

Artist Mentor

Creative practice strategies

Self-care & well-being

Interpersonal dynamics

Copy Editor

Poems, Newspapers

Magazines, Journals

Term papers & Book manuscripts

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How did your poetry journey begin?

What drives you?

A creative glorifying God

with every breath and every pen stroke